the philosophy of freedom (11)

(Philosophy Of Freedom Chapters)


0. Inner Truth  
1. Cognitive Development 8. Self Knowledge
2. Theory Of True Knowledge 9. Theory Of True Self
3. Free Thinking 10. Ethical Impulse
4. Perception Correction 11. Purposeful Life
5. True Judgment 12. Free Deed
6. Independent Idea 13. Value Achievement
7. True Reality 14. Free Individuality
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Jordan Peterson and Rudolf Steiner agree that the path forward that will do the most good and protect the world from tyrannical collectivism is to strengthen the sovereignty of the individual. This is the fundamental difference between social justice ideology and freedom philosophy. Social justice ideology favors group identity and collectivism over valuing and respecting the sovereignty of the individual.

The text for the video is the first paragraph of the original 1894 unedited Philosophy Of Freedom by Rudolf Steiner. The Philosophy Of Freedom begins by describing its fundamental principle, the sovereignty of the individual. Individual sovereignty is the basis for freedom, human dignity and personal responsibility.

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Please send this video link to those who may fall prey to social justice ideology:

0:00 (14.0 The Question Of Free Individuality
1:00 (14.1 Group Type
2:00 (14.2 Emancipation From Type
3:05 (14.3 Opportunity According To Ability And Inclination
4:13 (14.4 Profession According To Merit
5:19 (14.5 Free Self-Determination
6:25 (14.6 Individual Thinking
7:06 (14.7 Individual Goals
7:41 (14.8 Individual Views And Actions
8:09 (14.9 Emancipation Of Knowing
9:35 (14.10 Emancipation Of Being
10:13 (14.11 Free Ethical Conduct
10:47 (14.12 Moral Contribution To Humanity

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