Tom Last posted a blog post
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Jul 1
Tom Last posted a blog post
0.3 THE GOAL OF KNOWLEDGE The Realist personalities quest for truth is personal. The Realist is not content with second-hand knowledge or abstract beliefs. Instead, they seek a direct, practical understanding of the world around them. This pursuit…
Jun 20
Tom Last posted a blog post
Anyone is welcome to join the small weekly discussion group about Rudolf Steiner's 12 worldviews and how they relate to his The Philosophy Of Freedom. To participate enter the Zoom portal below at the meeting time. To learn more contact Tom.
Jun 11
Tom Last posted a blog post
0.8 THE GOAL OF KNOWLEDGE The Pneumatist approaches life with a profound sense of unity and interconnectedness, perceiving the world as a living whole animated by the vibrant activity of the spirit. A person with a…
Jun 9
Tom Last posted a blog post
Statement notes identifying 12 worldview cognitive personality characteristics within the chapter topics of The Philosophy Of Freedom.'  UPDATED REGULARLY as these are drafts of a work in progress.
SPIRITISM Spiritism: inner activity revealing truth…
Jun 2
Tom Last posted a blog post
Materialism - Mechanistic personality: Focuses on the physical and tangible, viewing the world and human nature in terms of mechanical and material processes.
Spiritism - Insightful personality: Sees the material world as a manifestation of the…
May 24
Tom Last posted blog posts
May 20
Tom Last posted a blog post
Here are the personality characteristics necessary to pursue knowledge according to each of Rudolf Steiner's world-outlook moods:

Occultism - Conditioned Cognition: recognizes the hidden aspects of reality that is not immediately apparent through…
May 18
Tom Last posted a blog post
Apr 25
Tom Last posted a blog post
Apr 21
Tom Last commented on Tom Last's blog post Why Rudolf Steiner Opposed A Zionist State Of Israel
"The first step on the spiritual path is to reject victimhood. Taking responsibility empowers the individual to self-determine their lfe."
Apr 17
Tom Last commented on Tom Last's blog post Why Rudolf Steiner Opposed A Zionist State Of Israel
"Steiner warned that anti-Semitism could become dangerous, which turned out to be the case. "However harmless anti-Semitism is in itself, it becomes dangerous when the Jews see it in the light Herzl and Nordau put it in.""
Apr 17
Tom Last posted a blog post











Apr 12
Tom Last posted a blog post
SCIENCE OF FREEDOM Part 1 Certainty - knowledge determinants Domains of human existence (knowledge determinants): 1. willing 2. desire for knowledge 3. thinking 4. perception 5. conception 6. ideation 7. cognition Part 2 Freedom - action…
Apr 9
Tom Last posted blog posts
Apr 3
Tom Last posted a blog post
Each of the cognitive abilities outlined in the 14 chapters of "The Philosophy of Freedom" are instrumental in the development of SOVEREIGN INDIVIDUALITY. Rudolf Steiner’s work emphasizes the progression toward autonomy and freedom of thought, which…
Mar 27