Rudolf Steiner criticized academic ethnic and gender studies research 125 years ago, far ahead of his time. These studies have no value for understanding what is important—each person's unique individuality. Astonishing quotes on how to understand an individuality.
The time of decision is around the end of the Twentieth Century when we will either stand at the grave of civilization in a War of All against All or turn toward a spiritualized culture. Rudolf Steiner GA 240
The intention of this website is to renew Rudolf Steiner's Philosophy Of Freedom according to Steiner's original impulse of freedom that motivated him to write the book.
"Many strive to conduct their lives in the direction of the principles I have suggested. To them I dedicate this book." Rudolf Steiner TPOF
The Individual Is The Center Of All Life
Rudolf Steiner's Philosophy Of Freedom is different than his later work in Anthroposophy. After all, the Anthroposophical Society wasn't formed until 20 years later. The Philosophy Of Freedom is a scientific—not a spiritualistic—worldview. It is not authoritarian or group dependent—it is about true individuality. It was published when Steiner publicly declared himself an Individualist Anarchist. "The human individual is the source of all morality and the center of all life” RS TPOF 9.12. Learn about the two periods of Steiner's life and the two paths he gave: 2 videos: Scholar Period and Occult Period - The Science Path And The Occult Path
Science Of Freedom
The Philosophy Of Freedom is the foundation of a new branch of science—the science of freedom. Its method is philosophic based on psychological observation. If this science of freedom does not receive the same intensive cultivation accorded other sciences, freedom will be irretrievably lost both by society and by the individual. “Without the solid foundation of a science of freedom, freedom would of necessity lead not to liberty, but to license." RS quote video: Neuroscience Confirms Steiner By Discovering Why Human Freedom Is Possible
Peace Based On Freedom, Not Justice
"Freedom is the only word which has a ring of immediate truth today… If, instead of such slogans as peace founded on justice, or peace imposed by force, people would only speak of peace based on freedom, then this word would echo round the world and kindle in the hearts of all a sense of security." RS quote "We are human in the fullest sense only in so far as we are free." RS TPOF 9.11 video: What Does Steiner Say Is Wrong With Democratic Socialism?
Ethical Individualism And A Libertarian Social And Political Life
Dr. Rudolf Steiner's science of freedom proves human evolution is the development of free thought and action. This provides a scientific basis for a libertarian social and political life. When Steiner debated the socialists they described him as delivering "libertarian tirades". "The purpose of The Philosophy Of Freedom is to lay the foundation of Ethical Individualism and of a social and political life." RS quote
Jordan Peterson's Renewal Of The Philosophy Of Freedom
Dr. Steiner said The Philosophy Of Freedom should be updated in 100 years to speak the language of the time. This looked to be a hopeless task lacking anyone qualified. It was last revised in 1918 by Steiner. But now, exactly 100 years later an unkown Canadian psychologist, Dr. Jordan Peterson, has roared upon the scene presenting the basics of Steiner's teachings in an understandable way backed up by the science of psychological and cognitive research. Steiner developed Ethical Individualism out of philosophy. Peterson has developed it out of the theory of evolution. "The same Ethical Individualism which I have developed on the basis of the preceding principles, might be equally well developed on the basis of the theory of evolution." RS TPOF 12.7
Jordan Peterson - The Philosophy Of Freedom
Jordan Peterson - The Social Justice Threat To Freedom
Short Introductory Videos Selected By Jordan Peterson
Pathological Belief Systems
Pay Attention
An Animated Intro to Truth, Order and Chaos
On Free Thought and Speech in London
Take Aim, Even Badly
Comedians, canaries and coalmines
11 video playlist The Epic Battle For Freedom note: Everyone has their price, including Jordan Peterson. This material is based on the old Jordan Peterson before he made a multi-million dollar deal with Daily Wire and became a biased Israel apologist abandoning his pursuit of truth. Peterson has also had mental health issues exacerbated by use of psychactrict drugs. Updating Philosophy Of Freedom "The same Ethical Individualism which I have developed on the basis of the preceding principles, might be equally well developed on the basis of the theory of evolution." --Rudolf Steiner TPOF 12.7 Jordan Peterson Here’s Why I’m So Bloody Obsessed With Free Speech.. |
Why do the Leftists Hate Jordan Peterson? Rudolf Steiner: Peace Based On Freedom, Not Social Justice Joining The Epic Battle The Democratic Socialists are strong advocates for the Social Justice Movement. What's wrong with Democratic Socialism? Whats wrong with Equity, Diversity & Inclusivity? It sounds good. JBP: Make no mistake. The real purpose of Diversity, Inclusivity and Equity is an all-out war on even the concept of excellence. The Ideology of the Social Justice Movement is Political Correctness which is rooted in a mix of Postmodernism and Neo-Marxism. What is wrong with this Ideology? 5:59 The central claim of Postmodernism is that there is an infinite number of ways to explain even a finite set of phenomena. How The Social Justice Movement Uses Political Correctness To Destroy Western Civilization To Make Way For Socialism. The Social Justice Movement has infiltrated our universities and is spreading into politics to divide us into identity groups. Identity politics is the new form of Marxist oppressor / oppressed doctrine that opposes free individuality and can only lead us, Peterson warns, toward a war of all against all. In The Universities Post-Modernism Is Undermining Western Civilization The Social Justice Movement dominates university liberal arts. Now it is beginning to infiltrate lower grade education. WALDORF SCHOOL ALERT: The Social Justice Movement has infiltrated the WALDORF SCHOOLS with its emphasis on group indentity according to race, gender and sexuality in opposition to Steiner's vision of free individuality. "The Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA) annual summer conference was on looking at Waldorf education through the lens of social justice." Communist / Socialist equal distribution was advocated at AWSNA Conference: "social, monetary and land resources and rights need to be shared equitably." Read about conference here. PDF Is The Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA) Promoting Socialism? Read more... |