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Elon Musk from Tesla cars fame in a recent comment at MIT under the title “Summoning the devil” has declared that Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the most serious threat to the survival of the human race and needs to be much more rigidly controlled by our lawmakers.
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Steiner Hidden Essays To Be Revealed

After Rudolf Steiner published The Philosophy Of Freedom he wrote social and political essays to bring his ideas of freedom to the public. These essays have not been translated so they have remained hidden--until now! Included are his articles published in his Magazin für Literatur. They are important as they give us an example of how to represent The Philosophy Of Freedom to the world through social and political commentary.  I got a German copy of them (over 100) and am using Google translate, which is vastly improved, to put them in English. This translation is good enough to see how Steiner is commenting on the popular views of his day on ethics, freedom and the use of science to support freedom. Below are some examples done so far. Here is a link to the essays. I am working on part II.

"At the back of my mind there always lurked this question: how could the epoch be persuaded to accept the ideas of The Philosophy of Freedom? If you are prepared to take the trouble, you will find that everything I wrote for the Magazin für Literatur is imbued with the spirit of The Philosophy of Freedom." Rudolf Steiner 

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