Statement notes identifying 12 worldview cognitive personality characteristics within the chapter topics of The Philosophy Of Freedom.'  
UPDATED REGULARLY as these are drafts of a work in progress.

Spiritism: inner activity revealing truth that underlies things.

0. goal of knowledge: the true reality underlying creative activity is the certainty of truth.
a. the true reality underlying the development of our powers is that truth gives us certainty.
b. the true reality underlying the weakening of our powers is the torments of doubt.
c. the true reality underlying not finding goals for creative activity is being baffled by a world full of riddles.

1. action: the true reality underlying freedom of choice is that we are not free to desire or not desire as we please, refuted by the analysis of consciousness.
a. the true reality underlying freedom of choice is that it is the target of the main attacks of the opponents of freedom.
b. the true reality underlying the dogma of free will is the principle that everyone is at liberty to desire or not to desire, as he pleases.
c. the true reality underlying this freedom is that it is refuted by the analysis of consciousness.

2. desired knowledge: the true reality underlying spiritualistic theory is that it cannot deduce from Mind any single concrete phenomenon.
a. the true reality underlying spiritualistic theory is that the Spiritist denies Matter (the World) and regards it merely as a product of Mind (the Self).
b. the true reality underlying the whole phenomenal world is that it is nothing more than a fabric woven by Mind out of itself.
c. the true reality underlying spiritualistic theory is that it cannot deduce from Mind any single concrete phenomenon.

3. thinking: the true reality underlying thinking is an active "I" using thinking to establishing concepts of what is observed.
a. the true reality underlying a feeling is that it is also kindled by the object.
b. the true reality underlying the formation of a concept is that the concept is formed by my own activity.
c. the true reality underlying reflecting about an event is that I am not concerned with how it affects me.

4. perception: the true reality underlying a thinker's conceptual reference is the grace of thinking.
a. the true reality underlying self-consciousness is a thinking consciousness.
b. the true reality underlying a conceptual reference, a thinker referring a concept to an object, is that the activity of thinking transcends subjective and objective.
c. the true reality underlying the dual nature of the human being is that he thinks, separating and uniting me with objects.

5. conception: the true reality underlying a judgment is the correct application of thought.
a. the true reality underlying the naive standpoint is to ask: “How does thought relate to perception?”
b. the true reality underlying judgment is whether my thought applies to the world.
c. the true reality underlying every judgment is the intervention of thinking.

6. ideation: the true reality underlying an idea is an intuitive conceptual reference.
a. the true reality underlying the formation of an idea is the specific intuition that unites with the percept the moment a percept appears in my field of observation.
b. the true reality underlying how vividly I can then later recall this reference to mind again, depends on how my mental and physical organism is functioning.
c. the true reality underlying giving someone a vivid idea of a lion is that it cannot be done without a percept of their own.

7. cognition: the true reality underlying a question is an inner power to find the answer.
a. the true reality underlying cognition is finding the power within ourselves that enables us to discover the laws of things.
b. the true reality underlying an act of knowledge is the self setting itself questions.
c. the true reality underlying being unable to answer a question is not knowing the universe of discourse from which the content of the question was taken.

8. personality: the true reality underlying personality is the perception of feelings.
a. the true reality underlying the way a feeling appears on the subjective side, is exactly the same as the way a percept appears on the objective side.
b. the true reality underlying the basic principle of naive realism is that everything that can be perceived is real.
c. the true reality underlying one's own personality is that feelings guarantee its reality.

9. freedom: the true reality underlying a person's moral character is the way the motive affects a person’s characterological disposition.
a. the true reality underlying an individual act of will is the motive and the driving force.
b. the true reality underlying the motive of an act of will may be a pure concept, or a concept with a specific reference to something perceived, that is, an idea.
c. the true reality underlying a person's moral character is the way the motive affects a person’s characterological disposition.

10. moral authority: the true reality underlying all phenomena is a spiritual being.
a. the true reality underlying the Absolute hidden behind all phenomena is a spiritual being.
b. the true reality underlying earthly morality is the divine world order.
c. the true reality underlying the moral evolution of humanity is a process whose purpose is the redemption of God.

11. purpose: the true reality underlying the real influence of the effect on the cause can do so only by means of the conceptual factor.
a. the true reality underlying the real influence of the effect on the cause can do so only by means of the conceptual factor.
b. the true reality underlying the flower influencing the root is the factor in the flower that is revealed by thinking.
c. the true reality underlying the perceptual factor of the flower is that it does not exist at the time when the root is formed.

12. moral idea: the underlying truth manifesting in the concrete ideas of moral productivity is the code of ethics condensed into a concrete idea by moral imagination.
a. the true reality underlying the formation of concrete ideas is moral imagination.
b. the true reality underlying moral productivity is moral imagination.
c. the true reality underlying the critic who can explain a work of art is someone incapable of achieving the slightest artistic production.

13. value of life: the true reality underlying the best one can do is complete inactivity; his ethical goal is universal idleness.
a. the true reality underlying everything is blind craving or will.
b. the true reality underlying life is cravings that are never fulfilled, of dissatisfaction and suffering.
c. the true reality underlying the best one can do is complete inactivity; his ethical goal is universal idleness.

14. individuality: the true reality underlying using the laws of type to explain the expressions of human individuality is that individuals can only be explained individually.
a. the true reality underlying our common qualities as members of the human race is that this does not restrict freedom and should not by artificial means be made to do so.
b. the true reality underlying typical factors is they are given a form that express his own individuality.
c. the true reality underlying using the laws of type to explain the expressions of human individuality is that individuals can only be explained individually.

Pneumatism: psychic spiritual activity
0. pursuit of truth: thought-organism is the spiritual faculty of knowing.
1. action: psychic spiritual activity in action is expressed as an unconditioned will impulse.
2. desired knowledge: psychic spiritual activity in knowledge is expressed as felt-unity due to the outer workings of nature living in us.
3. thinking: psychic spiritual activity in thinking is expressed when we remain within the realm of thought and think about thinking thereby increasing the content of thought.
4. perception: the "thing-in-itself" is unknowable but psychic spiritual activity in perception is expressed by inserting an interposed idea between our being and the world.
5. conception: psychic spiritual activity in conception is expressed in the universal concept.
6. ideation: psychic spiritual activity in ideation is expressed in the universal Idea.
7. reality: psychic spiritual activity in knowing reality is expressed in assuming imperceptible forces of an assumed imperceptible reality.
8. personality: psychic spiritual activity in personality is expressed as feeling intuition.
9. freedom: psychic spiritual activity in freedom is expressed as love of the goal.
10. moral authority: psychic spiritual activity in moral authority is expressed as an individual will impulse.
11. purpose: psychic spiritual activity in purpose is expressed historically as an agents realized purposeful idea.
12. moral idea: psychic spiritual activity in moral idea is expressed in supernatural moral influence.
13. value: psychic spiritual activity in value of life is expressed in satisfaction of desired needs.
14. individuality: psychic spiritual activity in individuality is expressed in individual's view of world and acts of will.

Monadism: foundational spiritual element in world for building up existence and forcing concepts outward.
0. pursuit of truth: foundational element to build up freedom is a philosophy of freedom clarified by science.
1. action: foundational element to build up a known reason to act is understanding the role of thinking.
2. desired knowledge: foundational element to build up knowledge that connects self and world is to seek essence of nature within.
3. thinking: foundational element to build up knowledge of the world is to create thought before knowing it.
4. perception: foundational element to build up a percept is subjective representation; nothing of what exists outside me and makes the original impression on my senses is directly transmitted through the senses.
5. conception: foundational element to build up world unity is conceptual world-unity; organizing percepts into the ideal system of our concepts and ideas.
6. ideation: foundational element to build up an individual standpoint is the way we form our ideas; the way we think and the range of percepts determined by our place in life.
7. reality: foundational element to build up a worldview of reality is monisn; sum of perceptions and laws of nature.
8. personality: foundational element to build up personality is willing; the direct effect of the self on the world.
9. freedom: foundational element to build up mature freedom is to rise to the conceptual realm, where ideals are uniquely expressed as individual impulses to act, springing from intuition.
10. moral authority: foundational element to build up moral authority is to question
whether, on this course of development, can the level of the free spirit be attained.
11. purpose: foundational element to build up order and unity in the world is the formative principle organizing nature.
12. moral idea: foundational element to build up ethical behavior (free deed) is human evolution.
13. value: foundational element to build up the intensity of desire to overcome life's pain is whether the desire for the goal is greater than the resistance of the pain involved in reaching that goal.
14. individuality: foundational element to build up knowledge of an individuality is
to receive into our mind those concepts by which he defines himself.

Dynamism: energetic, active, forces behind external phenomena.

0.10 goal of knowledge: empowering force behind the phenomena of knowledge is that which contributes to all-around human development.
a. force of science is results that are important for humanity.
b. force of individual is development of all potential.
c. force of knowledge is that which contributes to all-around human development.

1.10 phenomena (action): empowering force behind the phenomena of action is heart.
occultism action:
1. action: the force behind deeds is the heart when compassion is aroused by a thought that appears in the mind.
a. force of calm deliberations of our reason.
b. force of heart.
c. force of thought that arouses compassion.

2.10 phenomena (knowledge): empowering force behind the phenomena of knowledge is reaching something more than ‘I’.
2. desired knowledge: the force behind the problem of knowledge (separation of self and world) is reaching a point where there is something more than 'I'.
a. force of investigation of our own being.
b. force of “Here I am merely ‘I’
c. force of something more than ‘I’.

3.10 phenomena (thinking): empowering force behind the phenomena of thinking is your own self-supporting, self-subsisting point of view.
3. thinking: the force behind thinking is your own self-supporting, self-subsisting point of view.
a. force of what we first unconsciously weave into things.
b. force of considering my thought from my own point of view rather than anothers.
c. force of self-supporting and self-subsisting thought.

4.10 phenomena (perception): empowering force behind the phenomena of perception is idea projection.
4. perception: the force behind perception is that the qualities of the external percept are an "idea projection," a creation of my own psyche projected outwards onto a body in the external world.
a. force of edifice of thought.
b. force of color projected outwards by our psyche onto a spatial body in the external world.
c. force of believing that what the naive person thinks is existing outside him in space, is really a creation of my own psyche.

5.10 phenomena (conception): empowering force behind the phenomena of conception is coherent, unified system of our intuitions.
5. conception: the force behind conception is understanding a "hierarchy of value" through corresponding intuitions, recognizing that some facts hold more importance than others, that a snail is at a lower stage of development compared to a lion.
a. force of hierarchy of value.
b. force of corresponding intuition,
c. force of unity, linking, item by item, through the coherent, unified system of our intuitions.

6.10 phenomena (ideation): empowering force behind the phenomena of ideation is intensity of feeling.
6. ideation: force behind ideation is determining the way we form ideas is our unique organization (intensity of feeling), which attaches special feelings to our percepts with varying degrees of intensity.
a. force of our peculiar organization.
b. force of intensity of feeling.
c. force of individual element of our personality.

7.10 phenomena (cognition): empowering force behind the phenomena of cognition is to reintegrate the self into the world continuum.
7. cognition: the force behind cognition is to reintegrate the self into the world continuum.
a. force of reintegrate the self into the world continuum.
b. force of bridging the gap in a specific way characteristic of the particular human subject.
c. force of answering the questions that result from our own mental constitution.

8.10 phenomena (personality): empowering force behind the phenomena of personality is will accomplishing things.
8. personality: the force behind personality is accomplishing things by means of the will.
a. force of will accomplishing things
b. force of own will appearing to him as a special case of the universal will.
c. force of Voluntarism, will is dominant factor of the world.

9.10 phenomena (freedom): empowering force behind the phenomena of freedom is the harmony of intentions.
9. freedom: the force behind freedom in social life is a harmony of intentions, If our source truly is the world of Ideas, and we do not obey any external impulses (physical or spiritual), then we can only meet in the same striving, in the same intentions.
a. force of social community united by a common moral order.
b. force of harmony of intentions.
c. force of expecting agreement with others.

10.10 phenomena (moral authority): empowering force behind the phenomena of moral authority is finding own self.
10. moral authority: the force behind moral authority is being led by Nature and then further self-development to the point of finding own self.
a. force of Nature leading him up to a certain stage.
b. force of unfree being developing himself further.
c. force of developing to the point where he finds his own self.

11.10 phenomena (purpose): empowering force behind the phenomena of purpose is evolutionary adaptation.
11. purpose: the force behind nature is evolutionary adaptation realized within the limits of natural laws.
a. force of Teleology, there is a high degree of adaptation to purpose and plan unmistakably present in the forms and evolutions of Nature.
b. force of purpose and a plan realized within the limits of natural laws.
c. force of seeing a miraculous world full of purpose in all of Nature's domains.

12.10 phenomena (moral idea): empowering force behind the phenomena of a moral idea is experiencing freedom.
12. moral idea: the force behind the free deed is the will bringing to realization purely ideal intuitions
a. force of Ethical Individualism being in full agreement with Natural Science.
b. force of freedom is the characteristic quality of the perfect form of human action.
c. force of experiencing freedom, when an action is the image of an ideal intuition.

13.10 phenomena (value of life): empowering force behind the phenomena of the value of life is amusement which depends on quantity of pleasure.
13. value: the force behind amusement is the magnitude (intensity and duration) of the pleasure.
a. force of different kinds of pleasure and pain according to their magnitudes.
b. force of incorrect to claim quantities of pleasure and pain have any influence on the human will.
c. force of amusement depends on quantity of pleasure.

14.10 phenomena (individuality): empowering force behind the phenomena of a free individuality is being a free spirit within a community.
14. individuality: the force behind a community is the free spirit.
a. force of a free spirit within a community to the degree he has emancipated himself.
b. force of gradually emancipating a greater or lesser part of his being from the animal-like life of the species.
c. force of gradually emancipating from the controlling decrees of human authorities.

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