eugene waldorf school (1)

9741840265?profile=RESIZE_710xThe infamous Salem witch trials began during the spring of 1692, after a group of young girls in Salem Village, Massachusetts, claimed to be possessed by the devil and accused several local women of witchcraft. Today the hysteria sweeping the country are accusations of White Supremacy.

The Eugene Waldorf School has called upon Buffalo Cloud Consulting to convene white supremacy court to cleanse the school of white supremacy. Christine Moses, CEO of Buffalo Cloud Consulting, says:

"Healing from white supremacy culture is a lifelong process. It requires a willingness to sit with very uncomfortable truths."

Seriously, I received an email about what is happening at Eugene Waldorf School.

I wanted to bring you up to date with how the critical social justice theory movement has infiltrated the Eugene Waldorf School. I feel this is indicative of how things are developing in many AWSNA schools. The school has this group come in and work with the teachers and staff. A grant was provided to the school to do this sort of indoctrination.

Here is the website of the organization hired by the school to conduct these trainings:

The school shares this in their newsletter:

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging

Last spring, EWS received a generous donation to assist our teachers and staff to continue our path and study of DEIB work for our school. Last Friday we participated in a workshop with Buffalo Cloud Consulting. The topics we spoke about together with facilitators, Christine Moses and Kura Myrrlin, included our capacity for vulnerability, brave spaces, and an invitation to participate in a life long trauma informed journey.

Teachers and staff are in the process of scheduling DEIB, trauma sensitive school and restorative practices workshops this school year.

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