cognitive freedom (1)

Cognitive Rights Are Human Rights


A campaign for cognitive freedom, as articulated through Steiner's principles in the first 7 chapters of "The Philosophy Of Freedom", could serve as a countermeasure to the current trend of censorship, brainwashing, and various forms of thought control. The values these freedoms uphold — such as intellectual autonomy, the pursuit of knowledge, accurate perception, and unrestricted cognition — are essential to a society that respects individual thought and freedom of expression.

Here's how these cognitive freedoms could be articulated in a more activist, rights-oriented context:
1. The Right to Conscious Action: Everyone should have the freedom to understand and choose the reasons behind their actions, free from manipulation or coercion.
2. The Right to Seek Knowledge: Individuals have the right to pursue knowledge according to their own curiosity and intellectual needs, without interference or constraint from external entities.
3. The Right to Independent Thought: Everyone has the right to think freely and guide their thoughts based on the content and logic of the thoughts themselves, free from external biases and influence.
4. The Right to Accurate Perception: Individuals should have the freedom to continually refine their perceptions of the world, to reduce subjective bias and more accurately understand reality.
5. The Right to Truthful Understanding: Everyone has the right to apply their concepts to their perceptions correctly, forming accurate judgments about the world.
6. The Right to Individual Ideation: Individuals should have the freedom to form their unique ideas by correctly applying and integrating concepts, reflecting their personal understanding and perspective.
7. The Right to Limitless Cognition: Everyone should have the freedom to actively connect their personal experiences with the outside world, continuously growing and deepening their understanding without any imposed boundaries or restrictions.

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