Tom Last's Posts (495)

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TPOF Chapter 9 Card Set


I am creating a card deck for learning about Rudolf Steiner's The Philosophy Of Freedom and the 12 world-outlooks. The cards are used for study and thinking. As soon as they are completed chapter card sets will be posted at the banner "Cards" link above. The cards summarize a section of text according to text topic numbers in the online book.

In the Zoom study group we will be discussing the chapter card sets. Register here.




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Thinking Types

 7 Ways Of Knowing->
12 Worldviews
cell 1 restrict one self to what one can experience on, around or in one self. essential nature hidden, beyond external sense-perception and ordinary cognition essence of thing transcendent, but beyond experience. feel it is there outside my soul. world reveals inner secrets within, become quiet and seek within incorporate into world conception whatever meet in world, what shows itself externally, accept what experience offers. Conceptual rule, character of will, discover will element, forces of nature connect thought, concepts, ideas, logical concept organism. now things of world not through senses, but cognitional forces in the soul.
cell 2 Cell 2x2 Cell 3x2 Cell 4x2 Cell 5x2 cell 6 Cell 7x2 Cell 8x2 Cell 9x2
1. MATERIALISM Cell 2x3 Cell 3x3 Cell 4x3 Cell 5x3 cell 6 Physiological And Psychological Processes of self that produces perceived world "world of ideas" Cell 8x3 Cell 9x3
2. SPIRITISM Cell 2x4 Cell 3x4 Cell 4x4 Cell 5x4 Cell 6x4 Thinking Judgment is thought correctly applied? Cell 8x4 Cell 9x4
3. REALISM Cell 2x5 Cell 3x5 Cell 4x5 Cell 5x5 Cell 6x5 Cell 7x5 Cell 8x5 Cell 9x5
4. IDEALISM Cell 2x6 Cell 3x6 Cell 4x6 Cell 5x6 Cell 6x6 Cell 7x6 Cell 8x6 Cell 9x6
5.  MATHEMATISM Cell 2x7 Cell 3x7 Cell 4x7 Cell 5x7 Cell 6x7 Cell 7x7 Cell 8x7 Cell 9x7
6. RATIONALISM Cell 2x8 Cell 3x8 Cell 4x8 Cell 5x8 Cell 6x8 Cell 7x8 Cell 8x8 Cell 9x8
7. PSYCHISM Cell 2x9 Cell 3x9 Cell 4x9 Cell 5x9 Cell 6x9 Cell 7x9 Cell 8x9 Cell 9x9
8. PNEUMATISM Cell 2x10 Cell 3x10 Cell 4x10 Cell 5x10 Cell 6x10 Cell 7x10 Cell 8x10 Cell 9x10
9. MONADISM Cell 2x11 Cell 3x11 Cell 4x11 Cell 5x11 Cell 6x11 Cell 7x11 Cell 8x11 Cell 9x11
10. DYNAMISM Cell 2x12 Cell 3x12 Cell 4x12 Cell 5x12 Cell 6x12 Cell 7x12 Cell 8x12 Cell 9x12
11. PHENOMENALISM Cell 2x13 Cell 3x13 Cell 4x13 Cell 5x13 Cell 6x13 Cell 7x13 Cell 8x13 Cell 9x13
12. SENSATIONALISM Cell 2x14 Cell 3x14 Cell 4x14 Cell 5x14 Cell 6x14 Cell 7x14 Cell 8x14 Cell 9x14
cell 15 Cell 2x15 Cell 3x15 Cell 4x15 Cell 5x15 Cell 6x15 Cell 7x15 Cell 8x15 Cell 9x15
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Rudolf Steiner: Equality vs. Equity

For the Right FAIRNESS means "equality", we all have equal opportunity. For the Left FAIRNESS means "equity", we all have equal outcomes. Equality means everyone crosses the STARTING line at the same time. Equity means everyone crosses the FINISH line at the same time, no matter how much talent or individual effort they put forth. Equal opportunity allows people to blossom and to reap the benefits of their efforts. Equity stifles initiative, the desire to be creative, and the motivation to work hard. The difference between “equality” and “equity” is the difference between the freedom to choose for ourselves or the tyranny of elites who decide what is "equitable" and have the power to make choices for the rest of us.10165222058?profile=RESIZE_710x

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