Trump - Harris Presidential Debate Worldview Analysis

Let's analyze each candidate’s closing statement in the 9/10/2024 US presidential debate to determine which worldview they align with and which soul mood or method they use to arrive at their viewpoint. What's more important in political life; Idealism or Realism?

Candidate #1 Harris

Worldview: Idealism

Candidate #1’s statements reflect a focus on abstract principles, visions, and aspirations for the future, which are characteristic of Idealism. They emphasize shared values, future possibilities, and social justice, which align with the domain of abstract thought and ideals.

  • Idealism is reflected in these quotes:
    • “We all have so much more in common than what separates us, and we can chart a new way forward.”
    • “I believe in what we can do together that is about sustaining America's standing in the world.”
    • “I intend to be a president for all Americans and focus on what we can do over the next 10 and 20 years to build back up our country by investing right now in you the American people.”

These statements prioritize universal values and principles of unity, reflecting an idealistic outlook that aims to envision a better future.

Soul Mood (Method): Voluntarism

Candidate #1’s method involves Voluntarism, focusing on will and action. They emphasize proactive efforts to shape the future, create opportunities, and make decisions based on understanding people’s aspirations. They emphasize the will to build an “opportunity economy” and ensure rights and freedoms, which indicates a belief in the power of human will to transform society.

  • Voluntarism is seen in these statements:
    • “And a vision of that includes having a plan, understanding the aspirations, the dreams, the hopes, the ambition of the American people.”
    • “I intend to create an opportunity economy, investing in small businesses, in new families.”
    • “I will be a president that will protect our fundamental rights and freedoms.”

This approach underscores a belief in the will to implement change, expressing confidence that action can bring about the idealistic future they envision.

Candidate #2 Trump

Worldview: Realism

Candidate #2’s closing statements reflect a strong Realist worldview, focusing on the present reality of the nation’s decline, objective shortcomings, and practical failures of the current administration. The statements emphasize the current state of the nation and the need to address real-world problems, such as border control, military strength, and the energy crisis.

  • Realism is evident in these quotes:
    • “Why hasn't she done it? She's been there for 3 1/2 years.”
    • “We're a failing nation. We're a nation that's in serious decline.”
    • “We're being laughed at all over the world. All over the world, they laugh.”

The focus here is on pragmatic, tangible results, highlighting current failures and what has not been achieved in the real world, reflecting objective reality rather than abstract ideals.

Soul Mood (Method): Empiricism

Trump’s method is grounded in Empiricism, focusing on observable facts and results rather than theoretical promises. The candidate points to what has not been done and critiques the current administration based on evidence of failures in governance, military withdrawal, and energy policy.

  • Empiricism is highlighted in these statements:
    • “Why hasn't she done it? She's been there for 3 1/2 years.”
    • “Germany tried that and within one year they were back to building normal energy plants. We're not ready for it.”
    • “I rebuilt our entire military. She gave a lot of it away to the Taliban.”

This approach centers on evidence-based criticism, using past and present empirical facts to argue that the current leadership has failed to achieve meaningful, concrete results. The method contrasts real-world outcomes with the idealized promises of the opponent.

Summary of Worldviews and Methods:


  • Candidate #1 appeals to abstract ideals and the will to create a better future through proactive action, presenting a visionary, forward-looking leadership style that seeks unity and improvement through investment and planning.

  • Candidate #2 focuses on the objective shortcomings of the current administration, using empirical facts and past results to critique their failures. Their method is rooted in pragmatic realism, underscoring the current state of decline and calling for a return to practicality and strength.

The best-suited worldview for political life is primarily Realism, as political life is concerned with the objective, external world where individuals, institutions, and laws operate. In politics, decisions, power dynamics, and governance all unfold within the concrete, tangible realities of society, making Realism the best fit.

While Realism is the primary outlook governing political life due to its focus on the objective world, elements of Idealism and Rationalism are also frequently at play depending on the specific focus or discourse​​.

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