Thank you for this great historical overview of Steiner and his relationship to the core idea of TPOF (individualist anarchist). It sheds light on the book that I was not exposed to for many years.
A question I have is on the number of worldviews. Why is this prsented as an additive rather than multiplicative set of views?
In other words, 12 worldviews + 7 soul moods + 3 tones + 1 = 23
12 Worldviews X 7 soul moods (equals 84) X 3 tones (equals 252).
I'm used to Steiner presenting things from multiple perspectives, and am wondering if this is an example where one perspective on this needs an additive understaning, and another needs a multiplicative one?
Tom Last > Jeff KorentayerJanuary 3, 2022 at 5:45pm
There are endless variations, combinations and influences out of the fundamental 23 world conceptions. Maybe it is like the astronomy zodiac and planets. I don't know anything about that but I assume there are endless combinations of influences. I have identified almost 200 unique combinations in the topic headings in TPOF. And you can mutiply that by 3 as I see each POF topic divided into 3 tones.
Thank you for this great historical overview of Steiner and his relationship to the core idea of TPOF (individualist anarchist). It sheds light on the book that I was not exposed to for many years.
A question I have is on the number of worldviews. Why is this prsented as an additive rather than multiplicative set of views?
In other words, 12 worldviews + 7 soul moods + 3 tones + 1 = 23
12 Worldviews X 7 soul moods (equals 84) X 3 tones (equals 252).
I'm used to Steiner presenting things from multiple perspectives, and am wondering if this is an example where one perspective on this needs an additive understaning, and another needs a multiplicative one?
There are endless variations, combinations and influences out of the fundamental 23 world conceptions. Maybe it is like the astronomy zodiac and planets. I don't know anything about that but I assume there are endless combinations of influences. I have identified almost 200 unique combinations in the topic headings in TPOF. And you can mutiply that by 3 as I see each POF topic divided into 3 tones.