Process Of Elimination for Identifying A Dominant Mood

Your Mood reflects how you approach knowledge. Here’s a simple process of elimination to determine your dominant world-outlook mood: Compare two moods at a time and ask yourself—which approach am I more likely to take in my pursuit of knowledge?


Compare Mood 1 (Occultism) vs. Mood 7 (Gnosis)
answer: Gnosis

Compare Mood 2 (Transcendentalism) vs. Mood 6 (Logicism)
answer: Logicism

Compare Mood 3 (Mysticism) vs. Mood 5 (Voluntarism)
answer: Mysticism

Mood 4 (Empiricism) is left unchallenged (it automatically moves to the next round).

Compare the winner of 1 vs. 7 (Gnosis) with the winner of 3 vs. 5 (Mysticism)
answer: Mysticism

Compare the winner of 2 vs. 6 (Logicism) with Mood 4 (Empiricism)
answer: Logicism

Compare the last two remaining moods (Mysticism and Logicism) and determine which one best represents you. The winner is your dominant cognitive personality mood.
answer: Mysticism


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