Example: First compare the 4 major worldviews.
Question 1 (Materialism or Spiritism): Are you more influenced by the view that everything, including thoughts and emotions, comes from physical matter and natural laws, or are you more convinced that there is a deeper spiritual reality behind everything?
answer: Spiritism
Question 2 (Idealism or Realism): Are you more influenced by the view that ideas and higher ideals give life its meaning, or are you more convinced that the external world is real and exists independent of our thoughts, whether we fully understand it or not?"
answer: Idealism
Since Idealism and Spiritism are favored, these two are now compared.
Question 3 (Idealism or Spiritism): "Do you see life as meaningful because of the power of ideas and higher ideals, or are you more convinced by spiritual theory, that true reality exists only in the spiritual?"
answer: Spiritism
Spiritism is found to be dominant followed by Idealism. Between them is Psychism and Pnumatism, with Pnumatism more closely connected to the favored Spiritism, so Pnumatism and Spiritism are compared next.
Question 4 (Pnumatism or Spiritism): "Are you interested in the activity of the spirit in the outside world and individuals, or are you more interested in grasping spiritual theory?
answer: Spiritism
conclusion: The dominant worldview is Spiritism.