Cognitive Disposition Characteristics

7 cognitive disposition characteristics:

  1. Occultism: Enquire

    • Enquire: In the context of occultism, this means to deeply question and probe beyond the surface of ordinary reality, since the true nature of things is often concealed from sense-perception and ordinary cognition. The occultist must find another way to seek hidden knowledge.
  2. Transcendentalism: Aspire

    • Aspire: This characteristic reflects a strong desire to reach beyond the mundane outer world. In transcendentalism, aspiring involves striving towards higher truths and ideals, seeking to transcend ordinary experiences to gain a more profound understanding of reality.
  3. Mysticism: Reflect

    • Reflect: Mysticism involves turning inward and engaging in deep contemplation and meditation. Reflecting in this context means to look within oneself to explore inner experiences and uncover deeper truths that are not accessible through external observation.
  4. Empiricism: Perceptualize

    • Perceptualize: In empiricism, this means to gather knowledge through direct experience and observation. It emphasizes the importance of perceiving the external world and forming understandings based on empirical data and observable phenomena.
  5. Volunteerism: Conceptualize

    • Conceptualize: This characteristic involves understanding and engaging with the world through the lens of willpower and intention. In volunteerism, conceptualizing means forming and applying abstract concepts related to the forces of nature and the dynamic principles that shape reality.
  6. Logicism: Individualize

    • Individualize: Logicism focuses on the systematic and logical connection of thoughts,concepts and ideas. Individualize concepts by connecting percepts and concepts in a coherent manner, forming structured ideas and integrating them into a thought-organism.
  7. Gnosis: Realize

    • Realize: In gnosis, this means achieving a deep, intuitive understanding and cognitive fulfillment. Realizing involves gaining profound insights through inner cognitive forces and integrating diverse aspects of knowledge into a holistic comprehension of truth.

1. Question: (willing) Question the reality presented by sense-perception and ordinary cognition.
2. Aspire: (feeling) Desire to transcend ordinary experience, seeking higher truths and ideals to gain a more profound understanding of reality.
3. Reflect: (thinking) Turn inward to explore inner experiences and uncover deeper truths that are not accessible through external observation.

4. Perceptualize: (percept) Gather knowledge through direct experience and observation of the external world, forming understandings based on empirical data and observable phenomena.
5. Conceptualize: (concept) Understand the world through the lens of willpower and intention. Conceptualize the forces and principles that shape reality.
6. Individualize: (idea) Find logical connection of thoughts, concepts, and ideas. Individualize concepts forming structured ideas.
7. Realize: (reality) Achieving a deep, intuitive understanding and cognitive fulfillment, gaining profound insights through inner cognitive forces, integrating knowledge into a holistic comprehension of truth.

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