0. Preface: The Goal Of Knowledge
Part 1 Individual Life
Compare Individuality with Conformity
"I believe one of the fundamental characteristics of our age is that human interest centers in the cultus of individuality." TPOF 0.0

Cultus Of Conformity
In a cultus of conformity, you do not question authority.
Cultus Of Individuality
In a cultus of individuality, an effort is made to remove every kind of authority.
Cultus: system of established or accepted customs and beliefs
STEP #1 (0.0)
Compare Expert Validation with Individual Validation |
Expert Validation
Conformist: The conformist accepts nothing as valid, unless its source is recognized experts or respected institutions.
Individual Validation
Individualist: The individualist accepts nothing as valid, unless it springs from the inner source of individuality.
STEP #2 (0.0)
Compare Group Empowerment with Individual Empowerment |
Group Empowerment
Conformist: The conformist sacrifices himself for the growth and empowerment of the organization.
Individual Empowerment
Individualist: The individualist sacrifices other things that hinder his personal growth and empowerment.
STEP #3 (0.0)
Compare Following A Hero with Finding Your Own Way |
Follow Your Hero
Conformist: The conformist chooses a hero and follows their footsteps in the struggle up the mountain.
Find Your Own Way
Individualist: The individualist finds his own way in the struggle up the mountain.
STEP #4 (0.0)
Compare Group Ideals with Individual Ideals |
Group Ideals
Conformist: The conformist accepts the ideals demanded by the group.
Individual Ideals
Individualist: The individualist allows no ideals to be forced upon him.
STEP #5 (0.0)
Compare Some Are Worthy with All Are Worthy |
Some Are Worthy
Conformist: The conformist believes only some of us are noble and worthy of development.
All Are Worthy
Individualist: The individualist believes that if we look in the heart of each one, there is something noble and worthy of development.
STEP #6 (0.0)
Compare Striving To Be Normal with Striving To Be Your Self |
Strive To Be Normal
Conformist: The conformist believes there is a norm of human life to which we must all strive to conform.
Strive To Be Your Self
Individualist: The individualist no longer believes in a norm of human life, but strives to be himself.
STEP #7 (0.0)
Compare Perfecting The Group with Perfecting Each Individual |
Perfection Of Group
Conformist: The perfection of the group depends on the perfection of group cooperation.
Perfection Of Each
Individualist: The perfection of the group depends on the unique perfection of each individual. |
STEP #8 (0.0)
Compare Collective Action with Individual Action |
Collective Action
Conformist: The conformist joins others in collective work within the group.
Individual Action
Individualist: The individualist does not want to do what others can do equally well. |
STEP #9 (0.0)
Compare Group Initiative with Individual Initiative |
Group Initiative
Conformist: The conformist contributes to world development by performing the task needed within the group initiative.
Individual Initiative
Individualist: The individualist contributes to world development by taking the initiative and performing a task that he alone can offer. |
STEP #10 (0.0)
Compare Conformist Art with Individualist Art |
Conformist Art
Conformist: The conformist follows the rules and norms in the creation of art.
Individualist Art
Individualist: The creative individualist follows his artistic impulse without being as concerned with the rules and norms. |
STEP #11 (0.0)
Compare Conformist Expression with Individualist Expression |
Conformist Expression
Conformist: The conformist follows his duty to creatively express the message of the organization.
Individualist Expression
Individualist: The individualist asserts the right to creatively express what is unique in him. |
STEP #12 (0.0)
Compare Conformist Language with Individualist Language |
Conformist Language
Conformist: The conformist uses language according to the demands of standard diction and grammar.
Individualist Language
Individualist: The individualist uses slang if that best expresses intended meaning. |
Striving For Freedom (0.0)
Compare Dependent On Others with Independent Of Others
“No better expression for these phenomena can be found than this, they result from the individual’s striving towards freedom, developed to its highest pitch.” TPOF 0.0
Dependent On Others
The conformist is content to be dependent on others.
Independent Of Others
The individualist is independent of others and is not content if he is dependent in any way. He tolerates dependence only on the condition it coincides with a vital interest of his individuality.
Part 2 Of The Goal Of Knowledge Next
Part 1 was about individual life. Part 2 is about the pursuit of individual truth. Truth also, is sought in our age in the depths of human nature.