
Self-actualization is a process in which an individual achieves their full potential and has a sense of fulfillment and purpose in life. This is the greatest need of an individual who has progressed to higher level needs. The Philosophy Of Freedom presents a self-actualization process that consists of learning the concept of true knowledge (Part I) and the concept of the free spirit (Part II), and then applying the principles in the book to life. The result is attaining your full potential and having a sense of fulfillment and purpose in life. 

Link below to weekly POF Self-Actualization Group meeting on Monday's 10AM (San Francisco pacific time). If you would like to attend contact Tom.

Cognition Diagrams

Concept Of The Free Spirit
"A human being must unite his concept (free spirit) with the percept “human being” by his own activity. In this case concept and percept only coincide if the individual through his own effort makes them coincide. But he cannot do this until he has found the concept of the free spirit, which is the concept of his true Self." TPOF 9.11

"To transform the unfree realm into the realm of free activity is the task of self-development." RS Truth And Science

Steps to freedom: The Philosophy Of Freedom is a comparative study. Each topic contains a Case 1 description of a normal state and a Case 2 description of a more advanced state. To advance to Case II is a step toward freedom. This marks out a step by step path of development to transform our unfreedom to free activity.

Readable edition: A free more readable download (with topic headings) of The Philosophy Of Freedom is here.

Applying The Principles
"Many of my contemporaries strive to conduct their lives in the direction of the principles I have suggested. To them I dedicate this book." TPOF 0.6 

Links to Philosophy Of Freedom chapter study guide pages with self-actualization principle and many life examples.


True Knowledge
Chapter 0-p1 Embracing Authentic Individuality See examples
Chapter 0-p2 Empowered by the Certainty of Inner Truth See examples 
Chapter 1 Intentional and Informed Action See examples 
Chapter 2 Unification of Mind and World See examples
Chapter 3 Standing on the Clarity of Pure Thinking See examples 
Chapter 4 Continuously Co-creating The World We Perceive See examples
Chapter 5 Knowing The World Through Intuitive Judgment See examples
Chapter 6 Creating Living Ideas Based In Reality See examples
Chapter 7 Integrating Subjective Experiences with Objective Understanding See examples


Personality Development

The development of personality, which encompasses emotions, values, and fundamental cognitive processes such as rationality and reflection. Personality development is crucial as it forms the foundation upon which higher cognitive functions are built.

1. Rational thinking (action) - In the early stages of development, individuals learn to make decisions and take actions based on reasoning. This is fundamental to personality as it shapes how individuals interact with the world.
2. Aesthetic thinking (feeling) - As individuals mature, their personalities are enriched by emotional experiences and values. This aesthetic thinking influences preferences, tastes, and judgments.
3. Reflective thinking (thought) - Here, individuals begin to think about thinking itself, developing metacognition. This is often considered the transition from personality development to more advanced cognitive development, as individuals become more self-aware.

Cognitive Development
Once personality development is substantially in place, the thinking evolves further to include more advanced cognitive skills. These advanced stages are essential for more complex interactions with the environment and the self.

4. Reactive thinking (percept) - This can be seen as a stage where individuals start to actively construct percepts based on their developed personality and past experiences. It is a bridge between internal personality traits and the external world.
5. Conceptual thinking (concept) - Here, individuals form concepts and frameworks to make sense of the world. They begin to categorize, analyze, and synthesize information.
6. Independent thinking (idea) - At this stage, individuals become capable of forming independent ideas that are influenced by their unique perspectives and experiences.
7. Scientific thinking (world reality) - Finally, the highest level involves aligning one's thoughts with objective reality, critically evaluating and refining ideas based on evidence and logical consistency.