FAIR Waldorf Education


The Foundation Against Intolerance and Racism (FAIR) is a nonpartisan organization dedicated to advancing civil rights and liberties for all Americans, and promoting a common culture based on fairness, understanding and humanity. The Waldorf Education Chapter of FAIR is for current and former Waldorf parents, teachers and administrators and anyone else who supports Rudolf Steiner inspired pro-human Waldorf Education.

A parents dream of a Waldorf education that will fully develop their child's unique capacities is threatened today by a harmful learning environment inspired by the neo-racist ideology of Critical Race Theory and Waldorf leadership that has publicly denounced Rudolf Steiner. If we do nothing we will lose Steiner inspired Waldorf Education forever, or we can take action. Well-known anthroposophists have begun to speak out.

What can you do?

Join Us

  • Become a local FAIR Waldorf representative in your community.
  • Start a local FAIR Waldorf Chapter.
  • Encourage your school to commit to inclusive, pro-human education by becoming a FAIR Waldorf School.
  • Join the national leadership team.

Contact the chapter to get involved: waldorf-education@fairforall.org
Or contact Tom
FAIR Waldorf Education Forum