Objective Inquiry The first step in the study of The Philosophy of Freedom is basic reading comprehension. This is knowing the meaning of words and grasping the main points. A dictionary is helpful even to be used for common words. The Philosophy of Freedom has its own nomenclature. It is a science of freedom, so the terms used stand for real things. The experience of these real things, such as concepts, ideas and thought processes, are not uncommon and can be recognized by anyone willing to observe their own thought. Test your understanding of the terms with your actual experience. The meanings may change as the book moves to deeper levels of experience. A barrier to study is to bring in preconceptions or the conceptual meanings of another system such as anthroposophy.
Pure Reasoning The science-minded Ethical Individualist practices pure reason by entering the realm of pure thought. Reason brings the principles learned into harmony with each other and with our other ideas. Reason brings new insights that will inspire and guide your project. In this step you select the principle you want to express in your project.
Imaginative Thinking The challenge in this step is to imaginatively translate your universal principle into a specific form. This requires imaginative thinking. By holding your pure thought in mind it will quickly be clothed in concrete details and take a form that expresses your ideal. It becomes an outline, sketch, script or story board of your project. It is a detailed vision of what you are going to create.
Technical Skills In the previous step you imagined the project. The next step is to create it! To carry out your project you will need technical skills! The challenge for this step is to learn new skills! An ethical individualist acquires the technical skills necessary to successfully complete a project. The web has many simple to use online tools that support individual expression. These tools include video editors, animation, cartooning programs, diagram making, and more. Or you can write something to post or photograph a painting. Good luck!
Sharing The Philosophy of Freedom was published in 1894. Today it is culturally dated. Rudolf Steiner hoped that in 100 years it would be newly expressed in a culturally appropriate way. Now is the time. What if hundreds or even thousands expressed a small part of the book in their own way? What if they worked together so you could go to a website and see The Philosophy of Freedom expressed from many different viewpoints in new and creative ways. It can be done! Contact the website and your finished project will be posted on philosophyoffreedom.com.